Samantha Burns

Samantha Burns is Director of Business Development at Reconnaissance. She is responsible for the company’s activities in business growth, relationship management and international event management. She is also Conference Director for our flagship High Security...

David Tidmarsh

Dr David Tidmarsh has 50 years corporate experience, virtually all of these were at executive level and for 18 of these years he was a board member of companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange. In those roles he was directly involved in a significant number of...

Nicola Sudan

Nicola Sudan has been with Reconnaissance International since 2010 and currently holds the title of Regional Director, in charge of the company’s tax stamp business. She is the editor of Tax Stamp & Traceability News™, director of the annual Tax Stamp &...

Astrid Mitchell

Astrid Mitchell is Chief Executive of Reconnaissance International. After gaining a degree in politics at Durham University, Astrid began her career in the industry as a researcher and analyst in the M&A department of De La Rue in 1983. She subsequently worked in...

Martyn White

Martyn White started working in the banknote industry in 1972 with Portals Ltd and has worked in Sweden, Singapore and Switzerland. In 1995, Martyn founded Secura Monde International Ltd (SMI) now widely regarded as the world’s foremost technical and commercial...